piątek, 20 lipca 2007

Tabela/ Table

Sezon1 / Season 1

1. Anti-Gravity (filip023) .. 22 .. 17-2-3 .... 53 .. 83 - 18
2. CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) .. 22 .. 13-3-6 .... 42 .. 71 - 47
3. SMS SANOK (michal_j) .. 22 .. 11-0-11 .... 33 .. 51 - 52
4. KH Szatanery (bockxer) .. 22 .. 8-3-11 .... 27 .. 55 - 72
5. JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) .. 16 .. 7-2-7 .... 23 .. 32 - 41
6. Solna Boys(hatabajenochdif) .. 14 .. 7-1-6 .... 22 .. 36 - 45
7. Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) .. 12 .. 5-0-7 .... 15 .. 20 - 36
8. Panthers Górki (norbi_m) .. 14 .. 3-4-7 .... 13 .. 24 - 33
9. SC Lombise(roel5) .. 14 .. 4-1-9 .... 13 .. 32 - 45
10. AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) .. 15 .. 3-0-12 .... 9 .. 21 - 55
11. Oulu Stars (finland) .. 15 .. 3-0-12 .... 9 .. 20 - 57
12. Injuries.dk IK (injuries) .. 10 .. 0-0-10 .... 0 .. 2 - 45

Dodanie obustronnych walkowerów nic w tabeli nie zmieni/ Addin both teams walkover change nothing in the table.

niedziela, 15 lipca 2007

Terminarz/Fixtures - Wyniki/Results

Wiecej zmian nie bedzie ! / No more changes !

Burniszki (norbi_m) zmienily nazwe na/ new name are Panthers Górki (norbi_m)

Sezon 1 Season 1

Round 1

Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) v SC Lombise (roel5)
KH Szatanery (bockxer) v CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) 2-4 i 5-2
Anti-Gravity (filip023) v AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) 6-0 i 2-3
Oulu Stars (finland) v Injuries.dk IK (injuries)
SMS SANOK (michal_j) v JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) 5-0 i 2-5
Burniszki (norbi_m) v Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif)

Round 2

Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) v SC Lombise (roel5) 3-2 i 1-7
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) v Burniszki (norbi_m)
Injuries.dk IK (injuries) v SMS SANOK (michal_j) 1-3 i 1-2
AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) v Oulu Stars (finland) 1-4
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) v Anti-Gravity (filip023) 0-4 i 0-5
Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) v KH Szatanery (bockxer) 7-0 i 5-1

Round 3

KH Szatanery (bockxer) v SC Lombise (roel5) 4-4 i 0-3
Anti-Gravity (filip023) v Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) 1-0 i 2-3
Oulu Stars (finland) v CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) 1-5 i 5-3
SMS SANOK (michal_j) v AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) 1-0 i 3-0
Burniszki (norbi_m) v Injuries.dk IK (injuries)
Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) v JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) 4-1 i 4-1

Round 4

JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) v SC Lombise (roel5) 1-5 i 3-0
Injuries.dk IK (injuries) v Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif)
AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) v Burniszki (norbi_m) 0-5 i 0-5 wo.
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) v SMS SANOK (michal_j) 3-0 i 5-1
Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) v Oulu Stars (finland)
KH Szatanery (bockxer) v Anti-Gravity (filip023) 0-3 i 0-6

Round 5

Anti-Gravity (filip023) - SC Lombise (roel5) 4-2 i 5-0
Oulu Stars (finland) v KH Szatanery (bockxer) 3-4 i 2-4
SMS SANOK (michal_j) v Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) 2-3 i 0-2
Panthers Górki (norbi_m) v CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) 1-1 i 4-4
Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) v AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints)
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) v Injuries.dk IK (injuries)

Round 6

Injuries.dk IK (injuries) - SC Lombise (roel5)
AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) v JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) 5-0 i 2-3
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) v Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) 4-2 i 3-3
Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) v Panthers Górki (norbi_m)
KH Szatanery (bockxer) v SMS SANOK (michal_j) 3-2 i 1-6
Anti-Gravity (filip023) v Oulu Stars (finland) 5-0 i 5-0 wo.

Round 7

Oulu Stars (finland) - SC Lombise (roel5)
SMS SANOK (michal_j) v Anti-Gravity (filip023) 2-3 i 1-6
Panthers Górki (norbi_m) v KH Szatanery (bockxer) 2-4 i 2-2
Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) v Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94)
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) v CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) 4-0 i 5-0
Injuries.dk IK (injuries) v AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints)

Round 8

AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) - SC Lombise (roel5)
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) v Injuries.dk IK (injuries) 5-0 i 5-0 wo.
Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) v JIUL&CO (nelutzu13)
KH Szatanery (bockxer) v Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) 2-4 i 3-5
Anti-Gravity (filip023) v Panthers Górki (norbi_m) 1-1 i 3-1
Oulu Stars (finland) v SMS SANOK (michal_j) 1-4 i 2-4

Round 9

SMS SANOK (michal_j) v SC Lombise (roel5) 5-0 i 0-5
Panthers Górki (norbi_m) v Oulu Stars (finland) 0-1 i 2-1
Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) v Anti-Gravity (filip023) 0-5 i 0-5 wo.
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) v KH Szatanery (bockxer) 3-1 i 1-1
Injuries.dk IK (injuries) v Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) obustronny walkower/both teams lost by
AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) v CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) 2-6 i 0-2

Round 10

CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) v SC Lombise (roel5) 4-3 i 5-0
Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) v AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) obustrony wo/ both teams lost by walkover
KH Szatanery (bockxer) v Injuries.dk IK (injuries) 5-0 i 5-0 wo.
Anti-Gravity (filip023) v JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) 2-2 i 0-3
Oulu Stars (finland) v Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) obustronny walkower/both teams lost by walkower
SMS SANOK (michal_j) v Panthers Górki (norbi_m) 2-0 i 4-1

Round 11

Panthers Górki (norbi_m) v SC Lombise (roel5) obustronny walkower/ both teams lost by walkover
Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif) v SMS SANOK (michal_j) 3-2 i 7-0
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) v Oulu Stars (finland) obustronny walkower/ both teams lost by walkover
Injuries.dk IK (injuries) v Anti-Gravity (filip023) 0-5 i 0-5 wo.
AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) v KH Szatanery (bockxer) 4-6 i 4-2
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) v Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94) 5-0 i 5-0 wo.




Anti-Gravity (filip023) - AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints) 1-3 i 3-0
Panthers Górki (norbi_m) - CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) 3-5 i 1-4
Solna Boys(hatabajenochdif) - SMS SANOK (michal_j) 5-4 i 1-3
KH Szatanery (bockxer) - JIUL&CO (nelutzu13) 2-1 i 1-2 (strzały/shots 40-22)


1/2 - półfinały

8/31, 9/1, lub/or 9/3 2007

Anti-Gravity (filip023) - KH Szatanery (bockxer) 1-0 i 2-1
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) - SMS SANOK (michal_j) 2-3 i 2-4

o 3 miejsce
CRACOVIA KRAKOW (dzanik) - KH Szatanery (bockxer) 0-5 i 0-5 wo.

Anti-Gravity (filip023) - SMS SANOK (michal_j) 3 - 1 i 1 - 3 strzały/shots 24 - 23

Anti-Gravity (filip023) zdobywcą pucharu/ winner of the cup

czwartek, 12 lipca 2007

Zasady rozgrywek / Rules

Zasady rozgrywek

System ligowy, kazdy z kazdym, 2 mecze (wyzwania)
Wyzwania dowolne, nie wazne kto komu wysle ,wazne by mecze sie odbyly.
Mecze we wtorki i soboty.
Nieprzyjecie wyzwania (nieodbycie się spotkan) walkower 5-0.
Walkowery beda ostatecznoscia, nierozgrane mecze mozna zagrac i w innym terminie.
Nieprzyjecie wyzwania przez przeciwnika nalezy zglosic w ksiedze gosci. Brak takiego zgloszenia to obustronny walkower.
O wyzszym miejscu w tabeli decyduja:
1. wieksza ilosc zdobytych punktow
2. lepsza roznica goli
3. większa ilosc strzelonych goli
4. bilans spotkan miedzy zainteresowanymi druzynami.

Po zakonczeniu rozgrywek i wylonieniu mistrza ligi 8 najlepszych druzyn gra o puchar
wedlug schematu (2 mecze w każdej rundzie)
1/8 - 4/5
2/7 - 3/6
O awansie decyduja gole, jesli bilans rowny to wieksza ilosc goli w meczu wyjazdowym,
wieksza liczba stzalow, a w ostatecznosci gdy jest nadal remis wysze miejsce w tabeli.


League system, 2 matches (challenges)
Who challenge who is unimportant. Important is to play the matches.
So the best way is not to wait and to challenge rival according to fixture.
The faster challenge the better chance matches will be played.
Matches are played on Tuesday and Saturday.
Match not played is walk over 5-0. If rival not accept challenge give me to
know in guestbook. Without that both team lose walk over 5-0
Walk over will be taken only in extremity. Teams can play later on different day and I will accept this.
Places in table:
Points, goal difference, more goals for, and if is draw comparing matches of involved teams.

When all planned matches are played and the league champion is known starts
league cup. Play (2 matches in each round) 8 best teams according a scheme
1/8 - 4/5
2/7 - 3/6

When after 2 matches is draw promoted to next round is team that scored more away goals,
if away goals are equal team with more shots goes up, if shots are equal to next round goes team that ended higher in the league table.

ISL - druzyny/teams

Sezon 1 Season 1

Avalanche Biala Podlaska (adrian94)
Anti-Gravity (filip023)
Oulu Stars (finland)
SMS SANOK (michal_j)
Burniszki (norbi_m) = Panthers Górki (norbi_m)
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13)
KH Szatanery (bockxer)
Solna Boys (hatabajenochdif)
Injuries.dk IK (injuries)
AaB ISHOCKEY (aalborgsaints)
SC Lombise (roel5)

Sezon 2 Season 2

Firman (mrqk)
Ehyeh-Aszer-Ehyeh (sojkaa2)
LKS PUMA (albi17)
KH Szatanery (bockxer)
JIUL&CO (nelutzu13)
Anti-Gravity (filip023)
SMS SANOK (michal_j)
Ateo Hypatia (irateo)
Radek United ((radekunited2007)
Pittsburgh Penguins (kopernik)
Wściekłe Zbiry (zonki)